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A SelfMassaging Technique For Headache Relief

Massage has gained respect over the years for its many therapeutic and health giving benefits. Today even physicians, often prescribe it to help promote healing for many ailments.

However, when it comes to headaches, new scientific research is showing that massage is extremely beneficial.

One of the benefits that massage offers is that headache sufferers can often perform the massage themselves. Yet, it is always recommended to see a professional for the relief of headaches that cause chronic pain.

Sometimes massage is used in conjunction with other treatments to help provide relief for headache sufferers.

Chiropractors and acupuncturists are often recommended to help treat various causes of headaches.

There are different types of headaches and different causes. If a headache is a result of a back or neck injury, it is very important that you speak with your health care provider before beginning massage therapy as a course of treatment.

A professional masseuse can provide qualified massage treatment for your headaches however; you can also use self-massage techniques to treat the headache yourself.

First, if you are going to do self-massage for headaches be sure that you are well hydrated. Drinking plenty of fresh juices and water will ensure that your massage is effective.

Massage helps the body release toxins so it is important that you drink plenty of fluid to help the body rid these wastes.

Next, it is very important to make sure that your room is fully equipped for your massage. Since this is a self-massage you will not need any special equipment, but you will need to make sure that the room is dim and very quiet.

You will also want to make sure that you do not exasperate your headache by using pressure that is too firm.

Headaches respond very well to massage, but if you sense that your headache is getting worse, then stop the massage at once. You must be in tune to how your body is responding to your massage.

To begin, you will use your thumbs and apply pressure to specific points around your face and head. The temples, sinus cavities, and the base of the neck are all effective points to massage. You may also find that massaging certain Acupressure points will provide great relief as well.

You do not have to be an expert in Acupressure to find these points either. Just use your thumbs to apply steady pressure and then massage in a circular motion.

You may think that if you have a headache the only place you would massage would be your head, however, this is not the case when it comes to Acupressure.

Here are two Acupressure points that are highly valuable for treating headaches. One is located on the back of the head; the other is on the hand.

First, locate the occipital bone on the back of the head. Now, lower your fingers about one and a half inches beneath the bone and apply pressure to both sides below the bone with your thumbs. You may find it best to lower your head.

Using your thumbs, apply pressure and massage in a circular motion. This massage technique is very effective and can be performed up to five minutes per session.

The other location is found below the thumb between the first and second metacarpal bones.

Using your thumb, apply pressure to the metacarpal bone and massage in a circular motion.

It is good to apply pressure to both sides so use your index finger to massage the other side of your hand.

I hope this self-massaging technique brings you some relief the next time you get a headache. Enjoy!


About the Author (text)James Thomas is the Co-Founder of Touch Of Aloha, an organization that provides high quality massage training courses. Visit their website at

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