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New Invention in the Treatment of Diabetes

Diabetes is the most common disease now-a-days. It is widespread in people across all age-groups, be it a child of 12 years of age or an old man of 80 years. It is caused due to the lack of a hormone called Insulin. Insulin is secreted by some cells located in the pancreas in the body.

The food that we eat is broken down to a sugar called Glucose, which provides energy to our body. Insulin helps to move Glucose into the cells of the body. If Insulin is not secreted by the body, than the Glucose is unable to move into the cells. And thereby, the Glucose content or the Sugar content increases in the body, leading to a disease called Diabetes. There are two categories of people suffering from diabetes- 1. People with Type-1 Diabetes whose body is unable to produce Insulin, and thereby increasing blood Sugar levels.

2. People with Type-2 Diabetes whose body can secrete Insulin, but the cells in their body do not respond to the Insulin. There are several symptoms of the disease which include loss in weight, frequent urination, blurred vision, stress, irritation, Heart problems, Kidney failure etc. Diabetes is -also a genetic disorder but it is also caused by some factors like obesity, excess intake of sugar, increased cholesterol levels etc. Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia are the two conditions that arise due to Type-1 diabetes. Few symptoms of diabetes disease include vision which is blurred, weight loss, urination frequency, stress, problems with the heart, irritation and failure of the kidneys.

Obesity is one of the causes of diabetes as well as a disorder which is genetic, and levels of increased cholesterol and excess sugars intake. Diabetes Type 1 can cause conditions called hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia. When the glucose levels within the blood gets too low this is hypoglycemia and when the glucose levels within the body rise too high this is known as hyperglycemia. The treatment given to the diabetes patient requires him to take care of his diet, medication, exercising, control on stress and depression, kidney dialysis and transplant, etc.

The level of glucose in the blood can be controlled with the help of a well-managed and a well-balanced diet with low cholesterol, low sugar and low fats including the green leafy vegetables etc. Type 1 diabetes is because of low level of insulin or ineffective use of it. Hence, insulin acts as a major drug for type 1 diabetes patients while exercising is also helpful in controlling the disease and increasing the responsiveness of the body to insulin which maintains the glucose level of the blood. If exercising and a healthy diet don't response in diabetes control then there are other medications as well which act as a major cure.

Insulin replacement is included in diabetes treatments. Replacement insulin types include multiple dosages, mixed dosages, single dosages and mixed split dosages. Injections of insulin are also used by injecting right under the skins fat layers, this way it is then absorbed by the blood into the body. Pumps with insulin are available as multiple dosages units. Transplants of the pancreas, kidney and islets are other forms of treatment options available now. A new painless mode of treatment is in the process of development by the scientists.

It is made from the stem-cell technology and can be brought in use within a few years. This mode of treatment of diabetes follows the path of mice getting injected with the human embryonic stem cells. This treatment will be very helpful in removing the use of insulin shots by the diabetes patients. In Australia, almost 1,30,000 people have the diabetes problem who bring the insulin shots in their daily use.

Hence, the new stem cell technology would come forward as a blessing to those people. This technology requires some more years from now to come into existence.

Julia Hanf author of the book How To Play the Diabetes Diet Game and Win Through a real life crisis Julia figured out how to live diabetes free. Visit and learn more about your solution for diabetes.

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