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When Nature Reveals its Secrets to a Bald Man

A wise man said, one should live one's life in such a way as not to tear one's hair out later because of the mistakes which cannot be corrected. Well, in the case I'm going to dwell upon there will be neither hair, nor uncorrectable mistakes. Oh yes, I'm going to write about the problem of hair loss that has become even more acute nowadays.

And the statement that I'm going to stick up to is you can cope with this problem without resorting to some strong drugs and medications, newest electromechanical devices and shampoos, lotions and balsams that are advertised and praised as best and most effective on the market. I do believe that the majority of popular hair loss treatments that are promoted and sold nowadays have more to do with the consequence but not the cause of the problem. The maxim that I'm up to is 'Correct mistakes that originate the problem'.

And to do so you need not go that far. It turns out that nature supplies us with all possible means to cope with the problem of hair loss. And it is more than possible to prevent hair loss and regrow hair naturally. So here we go.

Mother nature gives us strong and healthy hair at birth. And irrespectively of age it is supposed to be so all our life. But look around. There are so many young people that already have sizable problems with their hair, to say nothing of those who are older.

Hair loss, bald patches, thinning and weakening of hair, dandruff, gray hair at the early age. And this list is far from being completed. Seborrhea, dimness, dermatitis, splitting ends, clogged pores, hair rachitis. Of course, I owe there's a pretty large number of causes of this overwhelming hair disaster and they all seem so different and sometimes not interrelated at all.

Genetic predisposition to hair loss, stress, infectious diseases, wrong metabolism, body intoxication, injury, wrong functioning of the endocrine glands, aging, radiation. But I do believe that there's one general metacause that makes for all these smaller ones and unites them. And this is our civilization.

Hair loss is almost entirely a civilized people's trouble. You can hardly find a bald man among primitive people that eat healthy food, breath fresh air, expose their hair to the sun rays, and reverence the laws of nature. Urban paranoia has crowded our minds with emotional strains and stresses, great achievements of our civilization have made us subjected to intoxications of the polluted environment, modern facilities and conveniences have changed our lifestyle that is far from being healthy. In the end of it we have millions of civilized people having various diseases, hair problems included, caused by illusory benefits of our civilization. And this is just the beginning.

Let's have a look at a typical modern man that has troubles with his hair. Well, he leads a sedentary lifestyle. He lives in artificially heated and cooled apartments.

He often works in the conditions of artificial lighting. He doesn't receive enough fresh air and sun rays. He has troubles with his endocrine glands.

He doesn't care much about his hair and blood circulations in the scalp (probably, because of the lack of time). He eats unhealthy food that is poor in proteins and necessary vitamins. He is nervous and often stressed.

That's it. And how many such people do you know? They say baldness is the sign of great brains but it is a myth. Alopecia or baldness has nothing to do with mental abilities. Rather it is the sign of weak health and poor hygiene and internal diseases.

But mother nature that gifted us with healthy hair at birth gives us its favors to correct our mistakes. It's a kind of the second chance. Nature reveals a large number of its secrets for those balding, or already bald men who seek to stop hair loss and regrow their hair. Now imagine that your hair is like plants that grow in the soil. The more fertile and beneficial the soil is the better it is for your hair. That's why you should begin solving the problem of hair loss with your nutrition.

Your hair needs proteins and vitamins to be strong, and natural and healthy food that contains them in abundance (such as eggs, cheese, fish, milk, nuts, seeds, meat, vegetables, soy) will certainly do you good. Like any plant your hair needs fresh air and the sun rays to look shiny and grow faster. Therefore, the more time you spent outdoors breathing fresh air and walking in the sun the better. Good blood circulation in the scalp (the soil) is also of essential importance as it delivers all necessary nutrients and oxygen to the roots of your hair. So you should get used to regular scalp warming-ups and massage to prevent hair loss and stimulate its growth. Hair hygiene is also very important.

Thus keeping your hair clean and combed allows it to "breathe" and grow with much more enthusiasm. That was about non-medical ways to regrow hair naturally. As regards natural cures and remedies there are a great number herbs and plants and other gifts of nature to treat baldness. Natural hair loss treatments usually don't have side effects and can be effectively used as an addition or a safe substitution for drugs and medicines. It's not a secret that natural ingredients are often included in many commercial hail loss cures.

Natural cures and remedies don't work at once but they do work, and more and more balding people resort to them when they can't or don't want to take in other drugs for some reason. In many cases of baldness natural cures for hair loss are the best choice. And a great one, I should say.

Essential oils such as rosemary, lavender, cedarwood, thyme, have been used as a safe and efficacious treatment for baldness since the ancient times. Saw palmetto is an effective natural anti-androgen and the fruit of it is used in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia. Pygeum is also widely used to prevent and treat male pattern baldness.

The extract of nettles and the bulb onion juice are rubbed into the scalp to increase blood circulation and stimulate hair growth. Tea tree oil can help those who suffer from dandruff, as this natural aseptic works wonders in deep cleansing of the head-skin. The soy extract is administered orally or topically to maintain scalp hair integrity and prevent hair loss. Cayenne pepper is applied to the head-skin causing irritation of it and increasing blood circulation. The sapota seed oil is effective in stopping hair-fall caused by seborrhea and dermatitis. Are you impressed? This is just a short overview of some popular natural cures for hair and scalp problems and the list of them is far from being completed.

And how many other secrets does nature have to reveal to a bald man?.

Devin Greenfield is a connoisseur of natural hair loss treatments who writes for where you can learn more about how to regrow hair naturally

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